Revolutionizing Civic Engagement with AI

Citizen Portal AI is the ultimate tool for staying informed and holding leaders accountable. Get direct access to what elected officials say and do—no spin, just facts. Empower yourself with clear, reliable information straight from the source and make smarter decisions with confidence.

How it Works

Stay Informed Effortlessly.

Citizen Portal AI turns long public meetings into clear, easy-to-read summaries so all citizens can stay informed with convenience and clarity.

Full Transparency

Every article includes a link to the full meeting video, giving you the power to see the facts for yourself, understand the full context, and trust the details behind every summary.

Empowering Communities

Citizen Portal helps you stay informed, share updates, and spark community conversations, making it easier to stay engaged and make smart decisions.

Enhanced Accuracy Through Smart Algorithms

  • No Bias

    AI summaries are based on the meeting's raw content, giving a more unbiased and consistent view than human note-takers or journalists.

  • Faster Access

    AI helps you skip the long hours of footage and get straight to the key points, saving time and boosting productivity, especially when covering multiple meetings.

  • Original Content

    AI platforms give users access to the original content, like full meeting recordings, so journalists can easily verify AI summaries.

  • Continual Improvement

    AI gets smarter over time by learning from feedback. When users spot errors or improvements, the platform uses that input to make summaries better and more accurate.

  • Natural Language Processing

    Our AI uses smart algorithms to analyze meeting transcripts, picking out key themes and details accurately, so there's less chance for human error.

What others are saying about Citizen Portal:


  • "When I first looked at Citizen Portal I thought 'how in the world do they index and catalog a million hours of government meetings?' What a breakthrough to give word-for-word transcripts and summaries using AI. This is going to bring transparency and change to every level of government. I'm a fan now."

    Bart Baggett, Author, Speaker, Podcaster
  • "Citizen Portal AI eliminates excuses. The ability to keep an eye on public servants has never been easier. As trust in news gatekeepers of old wanes, Citizen Portal rises to the occasion with a phenomenal tool for every American that loves freedom."

    Jason Hoyt, Liberty Restoration Publishing
  • "Citizen Portal is like having your own, honest research assistant. Before Citizen Portal you would have to listen to the entire recording of a meeting or hearing to know if a particular topic was discussed. Citizen Portal can search for a specific topic and tell you exactly what was said and when it was said. Citizen Portal has provided the best platform for citizens and organizations to engage in making and keeping transparency and accountability at the forefront of politics."

    Jen Brown, Utah Citizens for the Constitution
  • "I believe it is a democracy and Republic saver."

    Glenn Beck, Radio/TV Host, The Glenn Beck Program
  • "You're talking about tools that could reestablish this entire premise of representative government. My mind is blown. I've been thinking about this all day."

    Rick Larsen, The Glenn Beck Program
  • "I'm an official on a city government commission, and I have never been so excited about a tech offering. Citizen Portal is going to change the world!"

    Jennifer Robison, Senior Editor at The Gallup Organization


Our platform is funded by public grants, private donations, sponsorships, and subscriptions. We stay completely independent, making sure no outside group, can influence our content or summaries.

Frequently Asked Questions